


发表时间: 2024-09-05点击: 次   编辑:高征宇



l 成员,中国电机工程学会电力系统专业委员会源网荷储协调学术工作组

l 编写组,国家能源局委托,参编《新型电力系统中煤电发展新定位及市场机制研究》报告,2022

l 副编辑,Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems

l 青年编辑,Carbon Neutrality

l 客座编辑,《上海交通大学学报》


[1] C. Shang*, L. Li, Y. Ge, S. Zhai, X. Song, Q. Cao, and Q. Ai, "Robust Planning upon Unit Commitment," International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Short Communication, vol. 157, 109890, 2024.

[2] C. Shang*, Y. Ge, S. Zhai, C. Huo, and W. Li, "Combined Heat and Power Storage Planning," Energy, vol. 279, 128044, 2023.

[3] J. Wang and C. Shang*, "Long-Cycle Storages Aligned with Two-Dimensional Clustered Unit Commitment," International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Short Communication, vol. 150, 109090, 2023.

[4] C. Shang* and T. Lin, "A Linear Reliability-Evaluated Unit Commitment," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, PES Letter, vol. 37, no. 5, pp. 4133-4136, 2022.

[5] C. Shang*, T. Lin, C. Li, K. Wang, and Q. Ai, "Joining Resilience and Reliability Evaluation against both Weather and Ageing Causes," Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 152, 111665, 2021.

[6] H. Yang, P. You, and C. Shang*, "Distributed Planning of Electricity and Natural Gas Networks and Energy Hubs," Applied Energy, vol. 282, 116090, 2021.

[7] T. Lin and C. Shang*, "Reliability Evaluation on a Joint Machine Learning and Optimization Framework," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 49-57, 2021.

[8] C. Shang*, D. Srinivasan, and T. Reindl, "Generation and Storage Scheduling of Combined Heat and Power," Energy, vol. 124, pp. 693–705, 2017.

[9] 葛玉友, 尚策*. 寿命约束的储能规划[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2020, 40(19): 6150-6160.

[10] 尚策. 广域综合能源的一条规划路径[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2020, 40(13): 4081-4091.


l 国家自然科学基金面上项目52377113,“环境与结构特征主导的远海漂浮式风电规划”,50万元,2024–2027,主持

l 国家电网公司总部项目,“面向大型新能源外送基地群的多元多时空尺度储能规划优化技术研究”,185/475万元,2023–2024本单位负责

l 南方电网公司重点项目,“新能源场站储能配置方法及并网调控关键技术研究与应用”,525/2029.72万元,2022–2025,本单位负责


shangce @ sjtu . edu . cn


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