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个人简介:杨雄波,男,1979出生,香港城市大学博士,佛罗里达国际大学访问学者,三峡大学理学院副教授、硕士生导师。三峡大学教学名师,国家级一流本科课程《大学物理》负责人。主持参与科研项目14项,在现已在《Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 》、《ACS Advances》、《Corrosion Science》、《Applied Surface Science》等刊物发表文章20篇。


2009/11-2013/08 香港城市大学 物理与材料科学 博士

2002/09-2005/07 华中科技大学 材料物理与化学 硕士

1998/09-2002/07 华中科技大学 应用物理 本科

2017/12-2018/12 佛罗里达国际大学 机械与材料工程系 访问学者


1. Yuzhen Wang , Wenkang Ye , Xiongbo Yang , Ehsan Rezaee , Haiquan Shan , Songhe Yang, Siyuan Cai , Jia-Hong Pan,*, Jiaju Xu,*, Zong-Xiang Xu,* Hole transport layers based on metal Schiffff base complexes in perovskite solar cellsSynthetic Metals2020259116248

2. X.B. Yang, Y.H. HuangY.Q HouH. WuR.Z. Xu, and P. K. Chu An experimental study of magnetorheological fluids on electrical conductivity property. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. 2017, 28:8130-8135

3. R. Z. Xu, Y. Shen, J. S. Zheng, Q. Wen, Z. Li, X. B. Yang*, and P. K. Chu. Effects of One-Step Hydrothermal Treatment on The Surface Morphology and Corrosion Resistance of ZK60 Magnesium Alloy”, Surface and Coatings Technology, vol. 309, pp. 490 – 496 (2017).

4. Y .H.Huang, Y.H.Jiang, X.B.Yang*, H.Y. Sun. H.G. Piao R. Z. Xu, “Enhanced conductivity of magnetorheological fluids based on silver coated carbonyl particles”, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, vol. 27, pp. 255 – 259 (2016).

5. Y .H.Huang, Y.H.Jiang, X.B.Yang*, R. Z. Xu, “Influence of Oleic and Lauric Acid on the Stability of Magnetorheological Fluids”, Journal of Magnetics, vol. 20, pp. 317 – 321 (2015).

6. R. Z. Xu, X. B. Yang*, J.Jiang, P. H. Li, X.M.Zhang, G. S. Wu, and P. K. Chu,Effects of silver plasma immersion ion implantation on the surface characteristics and cytocompatibility of titanium nitride films ”, Surface and Coatings Technology, vol. 279, pp. 166 – 170 (2015).

7. X.B.Yang, Y .H.Huang*, Y.H.Jiang, R. Z. Xu, H.G. Piao, G.M. Jia, and X.Y. Tan. “Magnetic-field-tuned Insulator to Conductor Transition in Magnetorheological Suspension”, Journal of Magnetics, vol. 19, pp. 345 – 348 (2014).

8. Yang, X. B., Zhou, L., Huang, L. B., Xu, J. J., Zhou, Y., Han, S. T., Xu, Z. X., Lau, C. Y., Lam, H.W., Wong, W.Y., Roy, V. A. L., Importance of Alkyl Chain-Length on the Self-Assembly of New Ni(qdt)2 Complexes and Charge Transport Properties. RSC Adv., (2013) 3, 12075.

9. Xu, R. Z., Yang, X. B., Li, P. H., Suen, K. W., Wu, G. S., and Chu, P. K., “Electrochemical Properties and Corrosion Resistance of Carbon-Ion-Implanted Magnesium”, Corrosion Science, (2014) 83, 173 – 179.

10. Huang, L.B., Xu, Z.X. Chen, X.F., Wei, T., Han, S.T., Zhou, Y., Xu, J.J., Yang, X.B. and Roy,A.L. Poly(3-hexylehtiophene) nanotubes with tunable aspect ratios and charge transport properties, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces (2014), 6, 11874−11881

11. Xu, R. Z., Yang, X. B., Zhang, X. M., Wang, M., Li, P. H., Wu, G. S., and Chu, P. K., “Effects of Carbon Dioxide Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation on The Electrochemical Properties of AZ31 Magnesium Alloy in Physiological Environment”, Appl Surf Sci, (2013) 286, 257 – 260.

12. Xu, R. Z., Yang, X. B., Jiang, J., Li, P. H., Wu, G. S., and Chu, P. K., “Effects of Chromium Ion Implantation Voltage on The Corrosion Resistance and Cytocompatibility of Dual Chromium and Oxygen Plasma-Ion-Implanted Biodegradable Magnesium”, Surface and Coatings Technology, (2013) 235, 875 – 880.

13. Han, S. T., Zhou, Y., Xu, Z. X., Huang, L. B., Yang, X. B., and Roy, V. A. L. Microcontact Printing of Ultrahigh Density Gold Nanoparticle Monolayer for Flexible Flash Memories, Adv. Mater. (2012) 24, 3556-3561.

14. Zhou, Y., Han, S. T., Xu, Z. X., Yang, X. B., Ng, H. P., Huang, L. B., and Roy, V. A. L. Functional high-k nanocomposite dielectrics for flexible transistors and inverters with excellent mechanical properties, J. Mater. Chem. (2012) 22, 14246-14253.

15. Xu, R. Z., Wu, G. S., Yang, X. B., Zhang, X. M., Wu, Z. W., Sun, G. Y., Li, G. Y., and Chu, P. K. Corrosion behavior of chromium and oxygen plasma-modified magnesium in sulfate solution and simulated body fluid, Appl Surf Sci (2012)258, 8273-8278.

16. Xu, R. Z., Wu, G. S., Yang, X. B., Hu, T., Lu, Q. Y., and Chu, P. K. Controllable degradation of biomedical magnesium by chromium and oxygen dual ion implantation, Mater. Lett. (2011) 65, 2171-2173.

17. Liu, Z. L., Yang, X. B*., Yao, K. L., Du, G. H., and Liu, Z. S. Preparation and characterization of magnetic P(St-co-MAA-co-AM) microspheres, J Magn Magn Mater (2006) 302, 529-535.

18. Liu Z. L. and Yang, X. B., Study of preparation of magnetic P(St-MAA) microspheres and its characterization, J.Huazhong Univ. of Sci. & Tech. (Nature Science Edition) (2006) 34, 46-48.

19. Yang X. B. and Xu, R. Z., Preparation and Characteristics of Lipophilic Magnetic Fe3O4 Nanoparticles, J. of China Three Gorges Univ. (National Sciences), (2008) 30, 17-18.

20. Yang X. B., Xu, R. Z., Wang, Z. L. and Chen d.Y., preparation and Characterization of Magnetic P(St-co-MAA-co-AM) Microspheres, J. of China Three Gorges Univ. (National Sciences), (2006) 28, 572-576.



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