


发表时间: 2022-10-07点击: 次   编辑:






罗丁,男,1995年出生。博士,讲师,江苏大学与University of Nottingham联合培养博士。国际顶级期刊(Progress in Energy and Combustion ScienceNano EnergyApplied EnergyEnergy Conversion and ManagementEnergyRenewable EnergyApplied Thermal Engineering等)特邀审稿人。

以第一/通讯作者身份在Applied EnergyEnergy Conversion and ManagementEnergyRenewable Energy等国际顶级期刊发表学术论文16篇,其中,中科院top期刊14篇,影响因子总和达130以上。

博士联合培养导师Yuying Yan教授系长江学者讲座教授,University of Nottingham热流体工程系主任,吉林大学唐敖庆讲座教授,google scholar被引10000+,传热学领域资深专家。




2021.03--2022.03University of NottinghamThermofluids engineeringResearch Associate


1) 三峡大学高层次人才科研启动及平台建设经费(拔尖人才),2022.08-2025.0770万元,主持;

2) 变工况下汽车尾气温差发电系统多场耦合机理与能量动态规划研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目),2020.01-2023.1260万元,主研;

3) 汽车尾气余热利用热电-热管发电技术研究宁波市科技创新2025重大专项,2019.07-2022.06300元,主研。

第一/通讯作者在Applied EnergyEnergy Conversion and ManagementEnergyRenewable Energy等国际顶级期刊发表论文16篇(10篇代表作):

[1] Luo D, Wang R, Yu W, Zhou W. A numerical study on the performance of a converging thermoelectric generator system used for waste heat recovery. Appl Energy 2020;270:115181.IF2022=11.446,中科院一区,第一作者)

[2] Luo D, Wang R, Yan Y, Yu W, Zhou W. Transient numerical modelling of a thermoelectric generator system used for automotive exhaust waste heat recovery. Appl Energy 2021;297:117151.IF2022=11.446,中科院一区,第一作者)

[3] Luo D, Wang R, Yu W, Zhou W. Performance evaluation of a novel thermoelectric module with BiSbTeSe-based material. Appl Energy 2019;238:1299-311.IF2022=11.446,中科院一区,第一作者)

[4] Luo D, Wang R, Yu W, Zhou W. A novel optimization method for thermoelectric module used in waste heat recovery. Energy Convers Manage 2020;209:112645.IF2022=11.533,中科院一区,第一作者)

[5] Luo D, Wang R, Yu W. Comparison and parametric study of two theoretical modeling approaches based on an air-to-water thermoelectric generator system. J Power Sources 2019;439:227069.IF2022= 9.794,中科院一区,第一作者)

[6] Luo D, Sun Z, Wang R. Performance investigation of a thermoelectric generator system applied in automobile exhaust waste heat recovery. Energy. 2022;238:121816.IF2022= 8.857,中科院一区,第一作者)

[7] Luo D, Wang R, Yu W, Zhou W. Performance optimization of a converging thermoelectric generator system via multiphysics simulations. Energy. 2020;204:117974.IF2022= 8.857,中科院一区,第一作者)

[8] Sun Z, Luo D*, Wang R, Li Y, Yan Y, Cheng Z, et al. Evaluation of energy recovery potential of solar thermoelectric generators using a three-dimensional transient numerical model. Energy. 2022;256:124667.IF2022= 8.857,中科院一区,通讯作者)

[9] Luo D, Wang R, Yan Y, Sun Z, Zhou W, Ding R. Comparison of different fluid-thermal-electric multiphysics modeling approaches for thermoelectric generator systems. Renewable Energy 2021;180:1266-77.IF2022=8.634,中科院一区,第一作者)

[10] Luo D, Yan Y, Wang R, Zhou W. Numerical investigation on the dynamic response characteristics of a thermoelectric generator module under transient temperature excitations. Renewable Energy 2021;170:811-23.IF2022=8.634,中科院一区,第一作者)


E-mail: Ding_L@outlook.com

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